In my opinion you could try gpdf which is a GUI for pdflatex.
You can use it for downloading and viewing the pdf's at the same time.
If you install from source the GUI can be accessed from the command line.
If you install from the.deb files you can access it using the software center.
Light-induced uveitis in a horse.
An 8-year-old Thoroughbred mare was examined because of chronic, bilateral uveitis of unclear etiology. One eye had anterior uveitis and panophthalmitis and the other had posterior uveitis. Ocular examination findings, intraocular pressure, and complete blood cell counts were unremarkable. Cultures of the ocular fluid from both eyes were negative for bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Intraocular pressure was monitored and the animal was treated with intravenous and topical flurbiprofen (Novo-Fluromet, 0.3%) and moxifloxacin (Vigamox, 0.3%) three times daily. Light-induced uveitis was induced, and after 3 hours the right eye had serous detachment of the pars plana, anterior-chamber cell debris, and granulomatous infiltrate. Three days later, the horse's intraocular pressure had increased, and the right eye had an anteriorly-posteriorly extensive milky effusion that had formed a serous-hemorrhagic membrane, the detached posterior aspect of which had formed into a membrane at the ciliary body/anterior sclera interface. The horse was euthanatized. Histologic examination of the globe revealed extensive granulomatous keratitis, iris necrosis, and pyogranulomatous optic nerve sheathitis. The postmortem examination of the eyes revealed no other conditions that could explain the uveitis. Histologic examination of the globe revealed extensive granulomatous keratitis, iris necrosis, and pyogranulomatous optic nerve sheathitis.“
iTunes Radio recently added YouTube clips for songs, which I was just telling a few of my friends about. I liked it because it lets you know what song is being played (and it also lets you skip the ads) on the radio, but the problem is that the song you’re listening to isn’t always playing. ac619d1d87
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