The company founded in 1920 was later sold to Autosplitter, LLC (formerly known as Video Software Publishing), a software publishing and distributing business incorporated in 1992 and located in Chicago, Illinois.
Whilst playing the GameCube version of R-Type, Yukemu, Asura, and Maverick Cain were playing as a team to take out the game's all-powerful boss, Optimus Prime. The team was then challenged by a another player that was controlling an unidentified character. Although the other player did not have his character fully developed, he was able to take the team down. After the game was over, Yukemu's sister, Sadako, started to doubt the identity of the other player. The next day, Yukemu, Asura, and Maverick Cain went to Asura's house to look for the game's developer, Akira Yamaoka. Asura got into a car accident and was transported to an unknown location. Yukemu, Asura, and Maverick Cain went into Asura's house only to find a "bloody" Akira Yamaoka. The trio eventually found out the truth, and it was then they discovered that Yamaoka was the other player. They then met him at a hospital where the GameCube was. He then proceeded to explain how he killed Yukemu's sister, Sadako. The team also found out that Optimus Prime is a different robot from what Yukemu thought it was. Yukemu and the other team members were then transported to a different world where Optimus Prime was the ruler. The team then went to destroy the palace and fight Optimus Prime. The other team members were all transformed and used their power to defeat Optimus Prime, but only Yukemu and Asura were unable to be transformed. The team was then taken to Optimus Prime's planet where they fought Optimus Prime. Optimus Prime fired two beams at Yukemu and Asura, causing them to fall into the sun. Yukemu and Asura both survived, but Yukemu was scarred by his experience. On the planet that Optimus Prime was on, there was a temple. The team fought Optimus Prime and many of his minions. Yukemu and his team were transported back to their world.
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